As predicted, the sun came out again. Not only was there a freshness in the air, but a clearness in the skies, evoking a return of inspiration. I got busy making more plates for the upcoming French Flea Market. This venue would be a little different than most that I have attended. It wasn't so much a Boutique or Craft showing, as it was a Vintage, French Market venue. I brought some fun display items and a few vintage pieces that I wanted to sell to complete my table. Participating in these shows is always a learning experience. Each time I do one, I learn something new about marketing myself, the buyers, the types of vendors and the creativity that abounds every where. I love it!! You meet some really fun people and although, it is a long day of hard work, there is such a joy in the response. I especially appreciate the support I get from family and friends whenever I do one of these days. Husband extraordinaire is always willing to shlep and friends come to support and bring coffee. Life is good!
a few I M A G E S of
the vendor displays
at the H I D D E N
in West Hills.
very F R E N C H...oui?
more T W I G 2 N E S T designs...