I can't believe we are approaching NeW YeaR'S eve in a few hours.
I'm sitting back thinking about the closing of the 2010 holiday season.
WOW! So fast and so sweet.
4 t h i n g s that made this holiday so wonderful--
and continuous sweet undertones from this past year...
r e l a t i o n s h i p s :: close family~ continued close friendships~
connecting with family near and far~
old cousins becoming "new cousins"~
making new "creative flying friends" that support & inspire...
a c o z y h o m e :: after spending time on a continued basis,
working at the F r e e M e a l s program at Calvary Community Church,
I have gained a new perspective on what a "home" is to me.
The "simplicity of a warm place to be" has a new meaning to my family.
I have discovered a heart for people that don't have a home, that I never knew I had.
More to come on this in 2011...
G o d s p i r i t :: Christmas Eve services are always a special treat for us- as a family.
Sometimes it seems to be- the one time we are all together in the same place.
This year, there was a drum segment to the music of "Little Drummer Boy"
that took my breath away.
I thought I'd share a video that was posted...
it will give you an idea of the creativity of the performance.
It totally made my Christmas eve~~
summing up the feeling of the holidays with 5 drums!
a r t :: Always so grateful to be able to be doing art.
It was a year of trying many "new" things~
Finding my way down different path's of art that I want to travel on.
Enjoying the ride with many "new" friends and a lot of "older friends"
who have been most supportive along the road.
I am sooooo amazed at the support, the inspiration, and the doors that are opening.
Here's a "toast"to friends old and new, and a wish for many many
continued blessings in 2011 to all!