It's "s n e a k p e e k f r i d a y" according to dear sweet Jennifer,
of Studio JRU. (
of Studio JRU. (
What a wonderful way, for us creative types to share our work,
our environment, and our inspirations.
For all starts next to the c o f f e e machine...
homemade cherry & chocolate chip scones.
Did I mention I like to bake and cook?
homemade cherry & chocolate chip scones.
Did I mention I like to bake and cook?
hmmmmm... what painting?
A lot of artists have a studio, one large or small room, an out building,
a loft, a table... I kind of make my way throughout the house and have different purposes for different parts of the house. My house has been known to have decoupage papers, glass and glue all over the living room and dining room one day~ all to be removed and setup for a gathering of friends and food, the next.
My house, my art, & my work is always in a state of "c h a n g e".
The kitchen counter is my favorite work space for acrylic, oil & decoupage.
The most beautiful l i g h t belongs to the kitchen and dining room.
The kitchen is the c e n t e r of my home, and I suppose
(the only kitchen downside was that-- the kids never knew if they could eat the fruit on the table-- we always had to clarify if it was still life or real life fruit!)
The dining room table is where the makeshift photo studio is and
where decoupage pattern design happens. If the dining room table could write a book, it would have many stories to tell of what a long hard life it has had~~ used as a workhorse, and yet dressed up for many occasions. She's managed to look great for her age and maintain timeless beauty...
...while being the support for every new piece I create, and photograph
before moving to the "studio room"...
to list on etsy, blog about creative connections,
or continue to work on a graphic design project.
I guess, in a way, my studio involves going around in circles...
but the circles are always creative, fulfilling and come with a much deeper meaning.
My studio is my home & my center where
f a m i l y, a r t, & c r e a t i v e s p i r i t
all join together as o n e.
a new work~ from this weeks circles...