Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Meet Robin Norgren... creator of the 101010 Project (and all around amazing chick)

Robin Norgren

 I strive to live life to the fullest.  No matter what.  
I have grown into myself through my love for Jesus and HIS LOVE FOR ME. 
Art, motherhood, business, creativity and yoga are 
the cherished vehicles for this deepening. 
I want to help you come to your fullest life.  
I create workbooks, ecourses and workshops that chronicle 
my change and growth and offer you ways 
to find out what YOUR FULLEST life will be. 

How did you finally decide on the look of your brand?  What did the evolution look like?

I have been through quite an evolution with the colors that represent my business. I have always been into funkier colors: goldenrods and burnt siennas. But received my heart started to move toward the other end of the spectrum: clean lines with classic gray and a pop of pink.  I am not really sure if the colors changed first or my take on business did.  Both in both places I went through a huge transformation. 

After almost three years of what I call the hustle where I felt like I kept my prices too low and had a beggar's mentality about the whole business, my heart said, "you are done with this." And I really began to ask myself: what do I really want? And what would it look like?

In 2012 I decided to integrate what I feel like my calling is: to work with people asking questions and offering the ear and the heart needed to witness as they come into their power.  Pink is a sign of femininity. Gray is a sign of strength.  Together they feel like grace.

Robin Norgren is currently completing her life coaching certification and 
would LOVE to offer you a FREE 15 minute mini session – sign up for her mailing list here: http://www.robinnorgrenstudios.blogspot.com/p/life-coaching.html

Name of business: Robin Norgren Studios
Social media links:
Years in business: 4 years

For more information on the 101010 Project check out the101010 Website. For a complete list of questions and the women hosting them on their Websites, see below.
(Note: Due to life's unexpected twists & turns, this session of the 101010 Project features eight participants instead of the intended 10.

Laura Otero: #1. Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose?  What value is there to having that aligned?
Stephanie Guimond: #2. Do you have a business mentor?  What value does that offer to your experiences as a business owner?
Shari Sherman: #3. What animal would represent your first year of business.
Robin Norgren: #4. What business/businesses have you chosen to model your business after?
Dani Keith: #5. At this moment, what one idea do you need to start executing for your business?
Paula Joerling: #6. What part of your business have you delegated or put on hold in order to focus your energy more efficiently?
Valerie Weller: #7. How did you finally decide on the look of your brand?  What did the evolution look like?
Phyllis Dobbs: #8. Who is that one person you would like to sit and talk with about your business? What would you talk about?

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