Saturday, September 15, 2012

The In-Between Spaces...

I've been away from my blog for a bit...
well... okay, maybe for more than a bit.
(g u i l t y)

I got to thinking...
sometimes in the craziness of our lives
when no words will come...
we just need to be 
need to be 
just need to 

I like to think of these times 
as the 
in-between spaces...
...much like 
that dark crack in the concrete 
where you see a tiny bloom
poking through 
making you wonder...

I'm finding...
there's beauty in the 
in-between spaces...
it's where we grow.
During this time of 
in-between spaces
I find myself drawing & sketching,
planning  & gathering... 
  (for bigger, more scary things)
journaling & exploring ideas...
teaching & sharing with those I love...
painting, painting, painting...

and building toward my "art future".
(website, & video's are coming together)

Time to be accepting, 
of the time it takes to grow... in the 
in-between spaces.

What are you growing in your 
in-between spaces?

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